Ricette in lingua inglese

Alcune ricette in inglese – english version – tratte dalle tradizioni di ogni paese, tradotte.

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ricette in inglese

Ricette in inglese di ricette trazionali italiane:

Ligurian salted rice pie

A typical ligurian pie, with rice and aromatical erbs. The most famous pie in Liguria: the salted rice pie.


Scampi tagliolini

Scampi tagliolini is a typical recipe of the south of Italy. Egg pasta mixed with tomatoes paste and scampi.


Seafood scialatielli (original recipe)

Scialatielli are typical Campanian pasta, usually is prepared with a seafood sauce, as in this recipe where explain how to do scialatielli.


Venetian liver

Venetian liver is a typical and ancient recipe of Venice, made with beef liver and onions, cooked in a pot.


Passatelli in brodo (English version)

Passatelli are typical pasta of Romagna and Marche and part of the province of Perugia, most families prepare them for Boxing Day lunch.


Pasta allardiata (english version)

Pasta allardiata or lardiata is a poor dish of the Neapolitan peasant tradition, so poor that it did not even include olive oil.


Zelten sudtirolese (English version)

The Zelten sudtirolese is a Christmas cake rich in dried and dehydrated fruit, and a dough made from wheat flour and rye flour, typical of Trentino Alto Adige.


Ricette tradizionali americane:

Carolina meatballs

The turkey meatballs with peanut butter sauce that come from Carolina, the American deep South: Caroline Meatballs.


Southern cornbread

Cornbread Southern version: salted cornbread, usually served at Thanksgiving or as a stuffing for traditional turkey.


Pubblicato da viaggiandomangiando

Classe 1980, ligure, ha pubblicato tre romanzi e altrettante raccolte di poesia, diplomata al Centro Sperimentabile di Cinematografia in sceneggiatura e produzione fiction televisiva, si occupa dell'organizzazione degli eventi artistico/culturali dell'associazione di cui è presidente.