
Hi, my name is Francy!
I decided to write this blog to help myself keeping my weight under control and to try and become more healthy.
Change, as everyone knows, is really, really hard. I like the way these new choices make me feel.
One of the barriers against healthy food is the time it actually takes to prepare meals. However, it is possible to make tasty, yet healthy meals without working too hard, and I’ll show you how to do it.

This is my blog in english: http://eathealthyrun.blogspot.it/

If you want, you can follow me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eat-Healthy-and-run-536617906489942/

Eating healthy is important, but a little sport is important too. Walking is the easiest way of being more active without much effort. A target of 10,000 steps a day can effectively increase the amount of your daily physical activity. As I find walking a bit boring, to make it more fun we could challenge each other in “virtual” walk contests.
Follow me on facebook and contact me to start a challenge!


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Follow me on facebook and contact me to start a challenge! https://www.facebook.com/ciboformafisicasalute

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Pubblicato da alimentazionesalute

I geni e la fortuna contribuiscono, credo, in maniera proponderante a mantenerci in salute. Ma di certo anche preparare ricette sane e fare moto con intelligenza, aiuta! :-)

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