Organic kale and spinach fettuccine with chicken Parmesan

Our organic kale and spinach fettuccine with chicken Parmesan has been made possible by a few carefully chosen ‘leftovers’.

The term ‘leftovers’ really should be used more often since many a great recipe has come from using up a few odd ingredients taking up valuable space. Let’s shout it from the rooftop – “we used ‘leftovers’ to make this recipe.”

One of the joys of being a pasta maker, is being able to sample a few experiments and use up all that pasta that was left over from the packaging. After a day making organic kale and spinach fettuccine, there were a few nests set aside and we considered very carefully what to do with them. A quick hunt around the fridge and a recipe was formulated. Now, we don’t expect you to have all of these ingredients lying around doing nothing. We simply wanted to demonstrate the possibilities.

So here goes!

Organic kale and spinach fettuccine with chicken Parmesan – serves 2

  • 6 nests of Pasta Nostra organic kale and spinach fettuccine (or, either/or)
  • 2 pieces leftover chicken Parmesan (you could use any boneless, deep fried, breaded chicken), diced
  • 2 sweet bell peppers (the small ones), diced
  • 1/4 onion, diced
  • 1 cup already blanched broccoli rabe (you could also use fresh or cooked spinach)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon Vallecorsa extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter

  1. Bring lightly salted water to a rapid boil.
  2. While you are waiting for the water, add the oil, butter, salt, broccoli rabe, onion and sweet bell peppers to a frying pan over a medium to low heat.
  3. Saute the vegetables until the peppers and onions are lightly browned. Add the chicken and stir in. Continue cooking until the chicken is heated through.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the fettuccine for 4 – 6 minutes. Once the pasta is cooked, lift it out of the water and add directly to the frying pan with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Turn to combine all of the ingredients and add a ladle of the pasta water to the mix to help loosen it all.
  6. Serve with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese.


Pubblicato da thebigdreamfactory

Mi chiamo Susie Evans-Ardovini e ho creato La Grande Fabbrica dei Sogni e Pasta Nostra USA. Sono nata nel Regno Unito e sono chef e ristoratrice da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ho vissuto in Francia e in Italia dove ho visitato molti posti bellissimi e conosciuto tante persone meravigliose. Sono particolarmente colpito dallo stile di vita italiano e dall'approccio al cibo. Ho camminato per Roma, salito in cima al Vaticano, visto Milano, Venezia, le Cinque Terre, scalato montagne, percorso Il Sentiero degli Dei, vagato per la grande città di Napoli, vissuto sull'isola di Ponza, raccolto capperi su Pantelleria e ha raccolto un mucchio di amici, familiari e fotografie oltre a un'esperienza inestimabile, lungo la strada. Sono diventato un nuovo immigrato negli Stati Uniti il 15 dicembre 2013. Con il supporto di molti grandi amici e una passione (al limite dell'ossessione), sono qui alla ricerca del sogno americano. Spero che le mie creazioni vi piacciano e perdonate il mio italiano :)

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