Biscotti alle mele


Biscotti alle mele. Ottimi e gustosi biscotti con all’interno le amate mele. Ricetta semplice e super veloce da realizzare in poco tempo ma poter gustare un biscotto rustico a base di frolla e mela. Ideali per la colazione!

Biscotti alle mele

Biscotti alle mele

Ingredienti per 20 biscotti:

  • 300 g di farina
  • 100 g di burro morbidissimo
  • 80 g di zucchero
  • 1 mela
  • 2 uova
  • 1 cucchiaio di succo di limone
  • 2 cucchiai di zucchero di canna
  • zucchero a velo qb


Per preparare questi ottimi biscotti iniziate a spezzettare il burro morbidissimo almeno 6 ore fuori dal frigo e lavorarlo con lo zucchero. Aggiungere la farina, unirla alla crema di burro , infine un uovo alla volta, non ha bisogno di essere impastato a modo di frolla ma più a briciole. 

Lavare ed asciugare la mela tagliarla a pezzetti piccoli, unire nell’impasto con un po’ di limone.

Fate delle palline cercando di prendere uniformemente i pezzi di mela e passarle nello zucchero di canna.

Rivestire una teglia con della carta da forno. infornare i biscotti alle mele a 180° per 15 minuti circa.

Tenere sempre controllata la cottura non devono annerirsi, devono essere morbidi non croccanti per poter sentire la mela interna. Appena pronti lasciare raffreddare completamente e spolverizzare con zucchero a velo.

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Apple biscuits . Excellent and tasty cookies with the beloved apples inside. Simple and super quick recipe to be made in a short time but to be able to enjoy a rustic biscuit made with shortcrust pastry and apple. Ideal for breakfast!

Ingredients for 20 biscuits:

    • 300 g of flour
    • 100 g of very soft butter
    • 80 g of sugar
    • 1 apple
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
    • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
    • powdered sugar to taste


To prepare these excellent biscuits, start breaking the very soft butter at least 6 hours out of the fridge and working it with sugar. Add the flour, add it to the butter cream, finally one egg at a time, it does not need to be kneaded like a shortcrust pastry but more in crumbs.

Wash and dry the apple, cut it into small pieces, combine in the dough with a little lemon.

Make small balls trying to take the apple pieces evenly and pass them in the brown sugar.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake the apple biscuits at 180 ° for about 15 minutes.

Always keep a check on cooking they must not blacken, they must be soft and not crunchy in order to feel the apple inside. As soon as they are ready, leave to cool completely and sprinkle with icing sugar.

Art and imagination at the table awaits you for other new and interesting but above all always simple recipes to be made in a short time, you can find us in the home site Art and imagination at the table

If you like our recipes and want to be always up to date you can follow us by leaving your like on the facebook page by clicking Art and fantasy at the table you can also follow me on pinterest by clicking HERE I take this opportunity to thank all those who have passed and will pass here for visits, for comments….


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