
These savoiardi are very soft and are also flavoured, they are perfect for baking the tiramisu!


ingredients (for around 25 savoiardi):
-270 g albumen
-200 g white sugar
-cake’s yeast
-baking soda
-180 g yolk
-230 g white flour
-20 g soluble coffe

Beat eggs with sugar, a pinch of yeast and a tea spoon of  baking soda until stiff, then add the yolks, mix and stir in flour, soluble coffe and stop mixing. Pre-heat the oven at 180°C and when heated oven cook a baking tray covered with the dough and let it bake for 10-11 minutes, take out from the oven, let it cool down and then cut the biscuit of the desired shape.

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