
In March 2020, during self-isolation due to Covid19, a young researcher, stuck at home was really missing her usual laboratory life and so she decided to experiment in the kitchen. After realizing she ran out of ingredients, she went to the supermarket, but the shelf of the flours was completely empty, it had been ransacked, so she spent the weekend doing… origami. The house was full of paper pets by the time when she could find again the fundamental ingredients and she could finally start cooking again… this is how “The cooking farm” was created.

At “The cooking farm” the passion for pastry and that for photography join. You will always find new recipes and experiments for breakfasts, desserts and simply for every moment you want to taste a sweet treat, perhaps accompanied by a good cup of coffee.

Thanks to:
Giulia Glorani,
Giuseppe Paoloni e Giulia Giaretta for the artwork.