Unadulterated roasted vegetable sauce

roasted chopped vegetablesUnadulterated roasted vegetable sauce: Great vegetables often need little preparation, addition or adulteration of any sort and this is the case with the vegetables from The Farm at Rockledge Garden’s.

We came home with baskets of fresh tomatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, carrots and beets and decided not to mess around with them too much. We have come to learn that the vegetables from the farmer’s market are full of flavour and unlike what you get at the local supermarket. So, we sliced the tomatoes, filling our largest roasting pan:


Then carefully diced the other vegetables to equal size into a separate pan:


We added a little olive oil, salt and garlic, left the tomatoes pan uncovered, covered the mixed vegetables in foil then popped it in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes we uncovered the vegetables and placed them back into the oven with the tomatoes to continue cooking:


Since we are often busy multitasking, we find that being able to cook up something special by leaving it to itself in the oven, is a cooking technique that works perfectly for us. Covering the vegetables in foil allows them to steam and soften while leaving the tomatoes uncovered helps to allow excess moisture to evaporate and concentrate the flavours.

when everything had finished cooking it was time to bring it all together. So, we took the tomatoes and ran them through the blender to form a sauce:

roasted tomato sauce

We added this sauce to the vegetables and PRESTO!!

roasted vegetable tomato sauce

Allow everything to cool and add to your next spaghetti, or lasagne dish, use as soup, add it to all sorts of dishes as a sauce or freeze it until you need it. What could be more perfect for those of us who lives have become a confused mass of multitasking 🙂 Something simple and very, very tasty! We are so pleased with the results of this sauce and will be making it more often.

Pubblicato da thebigdreamfactory

Mi chiamo Susie Evans-Ardovini e ho creato La Grande Fabbrica dei Sogni e Pasta Nostra USA. Sono nata nel Regno Unito e sono chef e ristoratrice da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ho vissuto in Francia e in Italia dove ho visitato molti posti bellissimi e conosciuto tante persone meravigliose. Sono particolarmente colpito dallo stile di vita italiano e dall'approccio al cibo. Ho camminato per Roma, salito in cima al Vaticano, visto Milano, Venezia, le Cinque Terre, scalato montagne, percorso Il Sentiero degli Dei, vagato per la grande città di Napoli, vissuto sull'isola di Ponza, raccolto capperi su Pantelleria e ha raccolto un mucchio di amici, familiari e fotografie oltre a un'esperienza inestimabile, lungo la strada. Sono diventato un nuovo immigrato negli Stati Uniti il 15 dicembre 2013. Con il supporto di molti grandi amici e una passione (al limite dell'ossessione), sono qui alla ricerca del sogno americano. Spero che le mie creazioni vi piacciano e perdonate il mio italiano :)

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