Video ricetta del giorno

  • CucinaItaliana


Versione italiana:

  • 100 gtagliatelle (o altro tipo di pasta)
  • 2 cucchiairicotta (colmi)
  • 8 fogliesalvia
  • burro (1 noce )
  • q.b.sale dell’Himalaya (rosa)
  • q.b.pepe
  • q.b.acqua
  • q.b.sale grosso

English version:

  • 100 gtagliatelle (or other type of pasta)
  • ricotta (2 full tbsp )
  • sage (8 leaves)
  • butter (a knob)
  • Himalayan salt (to taste)
  • pepper (to taste)
  • water (q.s.)
  • coarse salt (q.s.)


In una casseruola far bollire l’acqua, salarla, buttare la pasta e cuocerla per il tempo indicato sulla confezione.

Nel frattempo in un pentolino sciogliere il burro con la salvia in modo tale che il burro si chiarifichi e la salvia diventi croccante.

In una ciotola aggiungere ricotta, sale, pepe e un/due mestoli di acqua di cottura, amalgamare fino al raggiungimento di una crema liscia e non troppo densa.

Dividere il burro dalla salvia, in modo da scolare la pasta direttamente nel burro e amalgama poi con la crema di ricotta.

Servire il piatto cospargendolo di salvia croccante, sale rosa e pepe.

In a pan, boil the water, salt it, throw the pasta and bake it for the time indicated on the packaging.

In the meantime, in a pendant, dissolve the butter with the sage so that the butter can be clarified and the sage becomes crunchy. In a bowl add ricotta, salt, pepper and one / two ladles of cooking water, amalgam until a smooth, not too dense cream is reached. Divide the butter from the sage so as to drain the paste directly into the butter and then mix with the curd. Serving the crispy dish of crispy salt, rose salt, and pepper.

In a saucepan, boil the water, salt it, toss the pasta and cook it for the time indicated on the package.

In the meantime, in a pan melt butter with sage until the butter clarifies and sage becomes crunchy.

In a bowl add ricotta, salt, pepper and one / two ladles of cooking water, mix until a smooth and quite thick cream is reached.

Divide the butter from the sage, in order to drain the pasta directly into the butter and then mix it with the ricotta cream.

Serve the dish sprinkling it with crunchy sage, pink salt and pepper.
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