Mediterranean side dish

Mediterranean side dish is a summer side dish to be eaten cold: don’t try to eat it hot, because it doesn’t yield! It is a fresh dish to make in summer!:D

In our family we love it because it is a very creamy side dish that goes great on a hot bruschetta!

If you like bruschetta, look at the PAESANT BIG BRUSCHETTA!

  • CucinaItaliana


1 aubergine every 2 people

2 peppers “cruschi” per person (they are sweet peppers!)

basil (a bunch full)

8 piccadilly tomatoes for 2 people

evo oil

salt to taste



Mediterranean side dish is easy to do! 🙂

Wash the ingredients we will need for this recipe well and place them on the table so they can be processed.

Then take the aubergine and dice it.

Place the diced aubergine in a colander and salt it. Leave the aubergine to rest so that it loses its bitter taste.

Take a pan, put two fingers of oil and fry the aubergines.

Next, take the peppers and add them to the pan with the aubergines.

Finally, add the halved cherry tomatoes and a clove of garlic.

Cook the vegetables until soft and creamy, then add basil and season with salt. Leave to cool.

Smart advise

The Mediterranean side dish is also excellent as the inside of rustic cakes.

Sora Nina is always with you! 🙂

Thank you for reading my recipe! If you want, you can join me on INSTAGRAM! In this way you won’t loose a lots of tasty recipes!

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Pubblicato da lacucinaromanadisoranina

Romana de Roma, amo la cucina e i piatti genuini. La mia è la cucina di una volta, fatta per stare insieme in allegria. Vi racconto piatti di Roma e di altre regioni, piatti che mi hanno conquistato o stupito; piatti tipici della nostra bella Italia.

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