Canederli ~Italian Bread Dumplings~ with Walnut and Gorgonzola sauce

Canederli belong to the traditional recipes of Northern Italy. Peasant cooking at its best: stale bread milk and cheeses. An harmoniously rich creation that is traditionally served in a broth as a soup. I like them dry, more like a pasta with a creamy sauce. Here is my version. Hope you will love it as much as I do!!

Video ricetta del giorno

  • DifficoltàBassa
  • CostoBasso
  • Tempo di preparazione1 Ora
  • Tempo di cottura5 Minuti
  • Porzioni8 about 6 gnocchi each
  • CucinaItaliana


  • 200 gstale bread (I use sourdough)
  • 100 gbread crumbs (I use Italian style or homemade)
  • 200 gRicotta (Full fat, please)
  • 2eggs, large
  • 1cup of MIlk (whole)
  • 1 ciuffoParsley (4 T minced)
  • 1 cucchiaioNutritional Yeast (A generous tablespoon)
  • 1 cucchiaioDry onion flakes (A generous Tablespoon)
  • 1 pizzicoNutmeg (To taste, grated)
  • 1 pizzicoSalt (To taste)
  • 1 pizzicoPepper (To taste)
  • 2 spicchiGarlic cloves (Minced)
  • 3 cucchiaiAP flour (1/4 cup scant, as needed)
  • 50 gBacon Bits (OPTIONAL for non vegetarian)


  • 3 tazzeWaltnut peaces (Toasted.)
  • 3 cucchiaiBreadcrumbs (Italian)
  • 1 spicchioClove of garlic minced (Large)
  • 4 cucchiaiButter, melted (Unsalted)
  • 3 tazzeHalf and Half (Also Greek yogurt works well)
  • 1 tazzaPecorino cheese grated (Or Parmigiano cheese)


  1. For the gnocchi, soak the stale bread in the hot milk for about 20 min, until fully incorporated. Meanwhile mix the ricotta with the remaining ingredients. I taste it before I add the eggs to see if it needs more “action” in this case I might add extra Pecorino, salt or even lemon zest. Also I taste the bread/milk mix to see if it needs a pinch of salt. Once the bread is reduce to almost a paste by the milk, and is no longer hot, I add it to the ricotta mix. You should get a dough that is soft but not runny. Shape into small balls, about 2 Tbs each. I use a cookie scoop (nbr 30) to get a more uniform size. Let dry on a lined baking sheet (or freeze for later use) while you cook the sauce.  

  2. NOTE: this recipe will make more gnocchi than needed for the sauce, so you can freeze about 1/3 to 1/2 of the batch.


  1. For the sauce: Melt the butter and garlic in a saucepan. When fragrant add the remaining ingredients to make a sauce, rich and thick. It will get a bit thinner with the pasta water.

Assembling the dish

  1. Boil the dumplings dunking them (gently) into a pot of boiling salted pasta water. Do not boil on high. Gently simmer so won’t damage the bread dumplings. Once done they will come afloat,  then fish them out with a spider or slotted spoon and gently add them to the sauce. Repeat with all the dumplings, adding pasta water as needed. Plate and garnish with more grated cheese and a drizzle of Olive oil. Enjoy!!


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Pubblicato da growingupitalian

Salve! Vivo tra due mondi, ma con i piedi per terra. E' un lusso poter scegliere il meglio di entrambi. La vita mi ha fatto questo regalo, e lo voglio condividere con Voi!! Sono nata negli anni 60 in Italia. Il mondo della televisione in Bianco e Nero, senza cibi GMO, senza smart phones. La mia infanzia e' stata costellata di persone incredibili e memorie indelebili della mia famiglia. Ora, 50 anni dopo e 10 mila km di distanza apparte, tutte queste memorie hanno contribuito ad arricchire la mia vita ..dopotutto, una ragazza puo' lasciare l'Italia, ma l'Italia non lasciam mai le sue ragazze!.Hello all. I live in between two worlds (USA and Italy) but I'm really grounded. I believe it's a luxury to be able to pick and choose the best of both. I've been given that gift and I'm sharing it with you. I was born in the 60's in Italy. Black and White pictures, no GMO, no tablets, no computers or cell phones. My childhood was starred by people and memories. It sure takes a village to raise a child...and a great family. I was blessed to have all of the above. Now, fast forward 50 years, 10,000 kilometers away. My life is richer than ever because of my upbringing. I have stories...lots of stories I will share with you. Afterall, A GIRL might leave Italy, but Italy NEVER leaves the girl!

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