COSA SERVE (per una tortiera da 24 cm)
- 200g di farina
- 25g di farina di riso
- 25g di amido di mais
- 1 bustina di lievito per dolci
- Estratto di vaniglia
- 30g di cacao amaro
- 130g di zucchero
- 100g di yogurt di soia
- 250ml di latte vegetale (preferibilmente alla vaniglia)
- 50ml di olio di girasole
Per la farcia:
- Marmellata di albicocche q.b.
Per la copertura:
- 200g di cioccolato fondente
- 70ml di latte vegetale (preferibilmente alla vaniglia)
- Preriscalda il forno a 180°C. Ungi leggermente una tortiera da 24 cm.
- In una ciotola grande, mescola insieme le farine, l’amido di mais, il lievito, il cacao amaro e lo zucchero.
- Aggiungi l’estratto di vaniglia, lo yogurt di soia, il latte vegetale e l’olio di girasole agli ingredienti secchi. Mescola fino a ottenere un impasto omogeneo.
- Versa l’impasto nella tortiera preparata e livella la superficie.
- Inforna la torta nel forno preriscaldato e cuoci per circa 40 minuti, o fino a quando uno stecchino inserito al centro ne esce pulito.
- Una volta cotta, lascia raffreddare la torta completamente sulla gratella prima di tagliarla a metà.
- Spalma abbondantemente la marmellata di albicocche su una metà della torta e ricoprila con l’altra metà.
- In una ciotola resistente al calore, fai sciogliere il cioccolato fondente nel microonde o a bagnomaria.
Copriamo con l’altra metà della torta.
9. Aggiungi il latte vegetale al cioccolato fuso e mescola fino a ottenere una consistenza liscia e cremosa.
10.Versa la glassa di cioccolato sulla torta, coprendola completamente e lasciando che il cioccolato scivoli anche lungo i bordi.
11.Lascia riposare la torta in frigorifero per almeno un’ora prima di servirla
Si conserva a temperatura ambiente per un giorno, poi in frigorifero per alcuni giorni, da noi sparisce in giornata 🤪
Dolcissimamente Zuccherosa-Gloria 🌱❤️🙏🏼
The vegan Sacher cake with apricot jam filling and chocolate covering is a tasty and innovative reinterpretation of a classic pastry. This vegan delicacy captures the essence and flavor of the traditional Sacher cake while offering a delicious and inclusive option for those following a vegan diet or have food intolerances.
The cocoa sponge cake base offers a soft and tender texture, with an intense chocolate aroma that envelops every bite. The generous layer of apricot jam, with its natural sweetness and fruity freshness, adds a vibrant and juicy contrast to the overall taste of the cake. The dark chocolate covering, dense and creamy, completes the sensory experience with its indulgent richness, providing a perfect balance of flavors and textures.
One of the most appreciated features of this vegan Sacher cake is its versatility and accessibility. Thanks to its preparation without the use of eggs and dairy, it is suitable for a wide range of diets and food preferences. It’s perfect for meeting the needs of vegans and those who are lactose intolerant or have milk protein allergies, offering them the opportunity to enjoy an indulgent dessert without compromising on taste or quality.
This vegan Sacher cake is ideal for celebrating special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or parties, but it’s equally suitable for indulging and delighting in everyday moments. With its inviting presentation and flourishing taste, it’s destined to become the focal point of any festive table or gathering with friends and family. Sharing this cake with your loved ones is a gesture of love and generosity, bringing joy and satisfaction to everyone who has the pleasure of tasting it.
In conclusion, the vegan Sacher cake with apricot jam filling and chocolate covering is much more than just a dessert: it’s a culinary experience that celebrates creativity, inclusivity, and the pleasure of good food. With its irresistible combination of flavors and its accessible preparation, it’s destined to become a popular choice among lovers of vegan pastries and beyond.
Meanwhile, get ready to screenshot the recipe as always! 😊
WHAT YOU NEED (for a 24 cm cake tin)
– 200g all-purpose flour
– 25g rice flour
– 25g cornstarch
– 1 sachet of baking powder
– Vanilla extract
– 30g unsweetened cocoa powder
– 130g sugar
– 100g soy yogurt
– 250ml plant-based milk (preferably vanilla-flavored)
– 50ml sunflower oil
For the filling:
– Apricot jam, as needed
For the covering:
– 200g dark chocolate
– 70ml plant-based milk (preferably vanilla-flavored)
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 24 cm cake tin.
2. In a large bowl, mix together the flours, cornstarch, baking powder, cocoa powder, and sugar.
3. Add vanilla extract, soy yogurt, plant-based milk, and sunflower oil to the dry ingredients. Mix until you get a smooth batter.
4. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and level the surface.
5. Bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.
6. Once baked, allow the cake to cool completely on a wire rack before cutting it in half.
7. Spread a generous amount of apricot jam on one half of the cake and cover it with the other half.
8. In a heatproof bowl, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave or using a double boiler, cover the cake with the other half.
9. Add the plant-based milk to the melted chocolate and mix until smooth and creamy.
10. Pour the chocolate glaze over the cake, covering it completely and allowing the chocolate to drip down the sides.
11. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
It can be stored at room temperature for a day, then in the refrigerator for a few days; in our house, it disappears on the same day! 🤪