Lasagna artichokes mushrooms and mozzarella

Lasagna artichokes mushrooms and mozzarella

The lasagna artichokes mushrooms and mozzarella combines two of the most delicate and tasty ingredients of Italian food.The result is a perfect blend of flavors and fragrances for savoring the typical italian cusine, seducing all five senses.

Lasagna artichokes mushrooms and mozzarella By Dolcearcobaleno

Recipe: Lasagna artichokes mushrooms and mozzarella

Summary: The lasagna artichoke mushrooms and mozzarella seduces our senses through a magical pleasure trip in the universe of aromas and flavors of Italian cuisine.


    • 8.8\10.5 oz Homemade egg pasta
    • 3 artichokes violets
    • 4.2 oz of mushrooms
    • 7 oz of mozzarella
    • 1 pinch of cinnamon
    • paprika q.s.
    • salt q.s.
    • 1 pinch of turmeric
    • 3.5 oz grated Parmesan cheese
    • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 pinch of powdered mint
    • peperoncino powder (optional)


  1. Prepare the homemade egg pasta.
  2. Crop it in many large rectangles of dough.
  3. We soak the pasta rectangles a minute or two in boiling salted water.
  4. Let them dry on a kitchen towel.
  5. We clean the artichokes.
  6. We mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a glass of water in a pan.
  7. Cut the artichokes into small pieces and add them to the water.
  8. Let’s add some turmeric, paprika and mind.
  9. Cook for 15 minutes over high heat.
  10. Cut sliced ​​mushrooms.
  11. Put 1 tablespoon oil in a pan with very little water.
  12. Add the sliced ​​mushrooms with paprika and cinnamon.
  13. Cook for 15 minutes over high heat.
  14. Cut the mozzarella into small pieces.
  15. We create the lasagne by placing a first layer of pasta rectangles.
  16. We coverthe result with a small amount of artichokes, mozzarella and mushrooms.
  17. Add the Parmesan.
  18. We have a second layer of dough rectangles.
  19. We add the artichokes, mozzarella, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese as the first layer
  20. We create many layers up to that end the ingredients.
  21. We sprinkle the pan with the remaining olive oil and a glass of water.
  22. Bake the lasagne in an oven at 338 F (170° C) for 40 minutes.


My apologies for the lack of fluency in English 🙂

Preparation time: 20 minuti

Cooking time: 40 minuti

Diet Type: Vegetarian

Number of servings: 4/5

Culinary traditions: Italian

Calorie: in processing (per serving)

My rating 5 stars:  ★★★★★

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