Dry passatelli with fish sauce

Dry “passatelli” with fish sauce

passatelli whit fish souces nella cucina di martina

(4 persons)


Ingredients per person:

  •  1 egg (medium size)

  • 1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese

  • 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs

  • 1 pinch of nutmeg

  • 1 pinch of grated lemon skin

Knead all the ingredients in a bowl. When the dough is thick enough, put it on the table (which you should first cover with flour). If the dough still sticks to your hands, add more flour and breadcrumbs. Fill a pot with salty water. When the water boils, throw in the dough by using a potato masher with large holes. Cut the dough strings with a knife and let them fall into the water. Cook for 6-5 minutes. Let them drain and add the sauce.



  • 400 gr cleaned fish, cut into small pieces

  • 20/30 small red tomatoes

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 1 glass of white wine (dry)

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil

  • Salt and hot pepper

Pour oil in a thick bottom pan and add the two pealed and smashed cloves of garlic.

If you do not like garlic, let it brown a bit and then take it out. I have left it, since I think it makes the sauce tastier.

Add the fish and mix quickly, then add wine and let it evaporate without the lid. Now add the sliced tomatoes, a bit of salt and hot pepper and cover the pan. Cook 10-15 minutes on a very low heat. Use the sauce to dress the passatelli.

questa ricetta è stata tradotta in inglese per partecipare al recipe advent callendar

recipes calendar advent

 ecco il link del post originale http://blog.giallozafferano.it/cucinamartina/passatelli-al-sugo-di-pesce/

Pubblicato da martina

Blog manager per la piattaforma blog Giallozafferano ( Gialloblog) e blogger per hobby. Nel mio blog racconto di me attraverso le ricette che mi piace cucinare... per tutto il resto c'è facebook!

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