Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes

Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes


This is a family recipe. My mom used to prepare the coconut cookies when I was a child.
As all the good recipes it never gets old.
I took this recipe from one of her old crinkled agendas. To flip through those pages is like to do a big jump in the past. Cut outs from 70/80ies cooking magazines, recipes written by hand, footnotes printed in the same agenda about home economics, and how-to-dos: how to keep the house clean, make the laundry, wash the dishes correctly, take away tenacious stains, etc.
I had much fun reading all this weird stuff, I must admit.

Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes

The original recipe didn’t have chocolate in it. My mom added chocolate drops, while I put an entire chocolate bar inside these cookies, cutted into pieces.
The result was amazing! The coconut cookies have a crunchy and golden surface, they are soft and fragrant thanks to coconut and butter, and have a creamy inside, thanks to the big quantity of chocolate, which melts during the baking and looks like black lava who tries to come out from the cracks on their surface.
I really loved them, and so did everyone who ate them!

Ingredients for 16 Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes:

  • 200 g coconut (dried)
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 big eggs
  • 50 g flour
  • 100 g dark chocolate


Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes
Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes

Put the dried coconut into a bowl with cold water so it can rehydrate for about 10 minutes.
In another bowl place butter with sugar, stir and press with a fork until you get a soft cream.
With your hands, squeeze all the water out from the coconut, and add the coconut to the mixture of butter and sugar. Blend all the ingredients, then add flour and finally eggs.
Cut the chocolate bar into cubes, following the preprinted lines, and then of each cube make 4 little pieces. Add the chocolate to the dough and mix gently.
Using your hands create about 18 cookies, walnut-size, and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
Place the sheet inside a prehead oven (180°C) for about 20/30 minuts, the surface should be golden when cooked.

2 Replies to “Coconut cookies with dark chocolate cubes”

  1. Adoro il sapore del cocco, soprattutto nei biscotti e questi sono da panico 😀
    Mannaggia a te, mi hai fatto venire voglia 😛

    1. undolcealgiorno dice:

      anche io adoro il cocco, è una dipendenza seria!
      per un tot di tempo ho fatto solo dolci al cocco, ma poi mi sono autocensurata perché non era tanto “normale”
      dovevo variare un attimino l’offerta del blog 😛

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