Pickling golden beetroot – just 4 ingredients

golden beetrootsPickling golden beets – just 4 ingredients: If you need a reason to wander around your local farmer’s market, an opportunity to meet unusual fruits and vegetables is one. Afterall, it’s not everywhere you can find golden beetroot – or ‘beets’ as they call them around here.


The first time we ever saw a golden beet was at The Farm at Rockledge Garden’s and immediately needed to know what the difference was. So, it was off to The Big Dream Factory Kitchen to find out.

We hear many people say that beetroot is really difficult to cook, that it takes too long and ultimately they give up on the whole idea. NEWS FLASH!! All you need is a roasting pan, foil and 30 minutes with the oven on. No stirring, no draining, no watching, no danger of burning. That’s it! Once the beetroot is roasted you simply peel it and in this case, marinate it in a light vinegar for a day.

Come with us through the easy recipe for pickling golden beets – just 4 ingredients.

Ingredients for about 4 cups

  • 1 kg golden beets, top and tailed
  • 200 mls cider vinegar
  • 100 mls water
  • 100 mls sugar or honey

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 365.
  2. Place the beets into a roasting pan with 1/4 cup water. Cover tightly with foil and place in the centre of the oven for 30 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, in a saucepan add the vinegar, water and sugar. Warm the water and stir just until the sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
  4. When they are tender, remove the beets when they are cool enough to handle, remove the skins. This is easily done with the back of a knife.
  5. Slice the beets thinly then add them to the vinegar/sugar solution, cover and refrigerate overnight.

And the difference between these golden beets and the everyday rich purple variety. The golden beets are a little more sticky which means they are a little more sweet. Yummmm!

Pubblicato da thebigdreamfactory

Mi chiamo Susie Evans-Ardovini e ho creato La Grande Fabbrica dei Sogni e Pasta Nostra USA. Sono nata nel Regno Unito e sono chef e ristoratrice da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ho vissuto in Francia e in Italia dove ho visitato molti posti bellissimi e conosciuto tante persone meravigliose. Sono particolarmente colpito dallo stile di vita italiano e dall'approccio al cibo. Ho camminato per Roma, salito in cima al Vaticano, visto Milano, Venezia, le Cinque Terre, scalato montagne, percorso Il Sentiero degli Dei, vagato per la grande città di Napoli, vissuto sull'isola di Ponza, raccolto capperi su Pantelleria e ha raccolto un mucchio di amici, familiari e fotografie oltre a un'esperienza inestimabile, lungo la strada. Sono diventato un nuovo immigrato negli Stati Uniti il 15 dicembre 2013. Con il supporto di molti grandi amici e una passione (al limite dell'ossessione), sono qui alla ricerca del sogno americano. Spero che le mie creazioni vi piacciano e perdonate il mio italiano :)

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