Penne alla Giallo Zafferano: Enzo rattles his pots and pans

penne alla Giallo ZafferanoPenne alla GialloZafferano: Enzo rattles his pots and pans: We have a rule in our house. Who ever prepares the dinner for the evening, is the one sitting and relaxing while the other tidies the kitchen. Sounds like it should be a fair deal, until you’ve cleared up after one of Enzo’s cooking sprees.

Sometime during the course of today, Enzo saw food on his computer screen, liked it and by early afternoon was announcing that he was making the dinner tonight. It’s always a good idea to prepare yourself at these moments by asking what we can be expecting to eat. “Pasta!” he declared, and I breathed a sneaky sigh of relief.

The pasta dish in question is Giallo Zafferano’s ‘Penne allo Zafferano’.

penne allo zafferano

Looks harmless enough, so I went on about my ‘webmistressing’ duties.  Meanwhile, in the kitchen Enzo was sautéing, stirring and shaking Sonia Peronaci’s recipe until it came time to call me to the table. The whole house was filled with the most amazing aromas.

Alongside our Penne allo Zafferano, Enzo had prepared some mixed, roasted vegetables and it looked really pretty. Even Enzo got his camera out. Although he tweaked Sonia’s recipe here and there, I’m sure that if she had been at the dining table in Paradise tonight, she would have congratulated him.

penne alla Giallo Zafferano

Served with a dusting of freshly grated local, Parmesan cheese and for Enzo, the knowledge that he wasn’t doing the washing up.

After dinner he settled himself in front of the computer to get me the recipe so that I can share it with you. That will have to wait however because first of all, it’s in Italian and second of all I have been a bit busy in the kitchen myself.

These days recipes come with cooking times, serving amounts, preparation times, nutritional information, cost, ease of preparation …. but there is one thing missing from the list of things we need to know. It’s about time that the amount of pots and pans required, be there too. Enzo tells me that judging from the step by step photo gallery provided by Sonia, he used less than she did. He counted 8 to his, well …. you can count them yourself:

Penne allo Zafferano pots and pans

If I haven’t already done so, I will share with you his recipe for grilled shrimp that involved the use of EVERYTHING in the kitchen! For now, may all your kitchen duties be smaller than mine.

Pubblicato da thebigdreamfactory

Mi chiamo Susie Evans-Ardovini e ho creato La Grande Fabbrica dei Sogni e Pasta Nostra USA. Sono nata nel Regno Unito e sono chef e ristoratrice da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ho vissuto in Francia e in Italia dove ho visitato molti posti bellissimi e conosciuto tante persone meravigliose. Sono particolarmente colpito dallo stile di vita italiano e dall'approccio al cibo. Ho camminato per Roma, salito in cima al Vaticano, visto Milano, Venezia, le Cinque Terre, scalato montagne, percorso Il Sentiero degli Dei, vagato per la grande città di Napoli, vissuto sull'isola di Ponza, raccolto capperi su Pantelleria e ha raccolto un mucchio di amici, familiari e fotografie oltre a un'esperienza inestimabile, lungo la strada. Sono diventato un nuovo immigrato negli Stati Uniti il 15 dicembre 2013. Con il supporto di molti grandi amici e una passione (al limite dell'ossessione), sono qui alla ricerca del sogno americano. Spero che le mie creazioni vi piacciano e perdonate il mio italiano :)

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